Roommates at SUNY Purchase from 2013-2014, Morgan and Nicole supported each other's practices from the beginning. Sitting on their dorm room floor debating theory, chatting about their mutual love of Robert Rauschenberg, reading each other's papers and hanging out in Morgan's studio sparked reoccurring conversations about wanting to work together.

Fast forward four years, that dorm room floor fantasy manifested itself into LoBo. LoBo seeks to create a dialogue for New York artists at all stages of their careers. Curating installations in lived spaces, doing studio visits, interviewing artists, and writing about artists and other local arts organizations are a few of the projects of LoBo.

Morgan is currently working out of her Flatbush studio where she is working on a series of monumental drawings. Morgan has several exhibitions of her works in local venues and is participating in Conception Art Show on November 15, 2018.

Nicole worked in appraisals for a nonprofit arts organization for five years. She is now working in a nontraditional gallery space in China Town. When she is not at the galleries or writing about art you can find her at the rock climbing gym.
